John Gateley

Projects and Puzzles

The Master Bookkeeper
Easy library access, remembering your preferences and history for improved searches, using Overdrive and Django.
Contact me for a beta account if interested.
The Master Logkeeper and Timyin Tin
Smart Log Readers to monitor servers and report, alert or block via firewall. A combination Intrusion Detection and Monitoring/Operations system.
Linode DNS
Using YAML to store DNS configuration, and Linode's DNS API to update that configuration, performing only the changes needed.
YADB: CD metadata database
A crowd-sourced self-correcting CD meta-data (title, artist, track info) database.

Favorite Puzzles
Infinite Buckets of Ping Pong Balls
The mathematics of infinity. Part III is my own contribution.
Fun with C/C++ Arrays
(call/cc call/cc)
Scheme's call/cc is the source of many puzzles, this is one of the shortest.